

I'll fantasize about ONEPIECE.

【ONEPIECE Theory】Predict Zoro's bounty after Egghead arc.

Hey guys!

I'm going to predict Zoro's bounty after Egghead arc!





About him in Wano arc before the EggHead arc.


Zoro defeated King, the right-hand man of former Fourth Emperor Kaidou, in the Wano Arc.

However, before fighting the King, he had a temporary fierce battle with Kaidou, the captain of the ship.

At that time, Kaidou told him of his suspicion that he was wearing a Conqueror's Haki, and there was a scene in which he was completely pulled out of the Conqueror's Haki by Enma in a later fight with the King.

However, when we looked at Zoro on this vivle card, there was no mention of Conqueror's haki.

Furthermore, the current bounty also does not exceed the 1.39 billion berries of the defeated King, but is 1.111 billion berries, and many readers feel that Zoro is currently being treated unfairly.

Therefore, the new bounty for Zoro that we are predicting this time may be higher than you imagine.

Please understand.




I'll even tell you where it came from.


From the 17th century Caribbean bandit "François Loronay" (English reading: Francis Loronoy) (see SBS).

He was born into a poor family and made a name for himself through his prowess, but he was so cruel that even his peers shuddered at his cruelty, saying "I'd rather die than meet him.

Legend has it that when he was killed in a fight with the Indians, he was so hated that he was even roasted and eaten.




Relationship with the Shimotsuki family


Zoro has considerable ties to the Shimotsuki family.


  • Of the swords that have been used, two unnamed swords, Wado Ichimonji and Enma, were all made by Kozaburo Shimotsuki, the founder of Shimotsuki Village and grandfather of Kuina.
  • The original body of General Zombie Ryuma, who took over Shusui at Thriller Bark, is Shimotsuki Ryuma, who is worshipped as a sword god in Wanokuni.
  • He lost his friends and happened to meet Yasuie Shimotsuki, a former lord of Hakumai, and Ushimaru Shimotsuki, a descendant of Ryuma, who ruled Ringo, where he went to recapture Shusui, and he also met Ushimaru's partner Onimaru.


And Kawamatsu and Hyogoro, who knew Ushiomaru in his younger days, even say that Zoro is a close resemblance, "from his face to his swordplay.

Ushimaru also appears in Yamato's recollections, but his appearance is very similar to that of Zoro, who is supposed to be 40 or 60 years old, as shown in the SBS.

Furthermore, he is clearly stated to be someone who is not Zoro's father but is deeply involved in the bloodline, so it is confirmed that he is not a stranger or an empty likeness of someone else with the Shimotsuki family.

Zoro's origins were disclosed in SBS volume 105, "because it seems that he will not be touched in the future. It was then revealed that Ushimotsuki Ushimaru had an older sister "Frico Shimotsuki" and that she too had left the country illegally with Kozaburo Shimotsuki.

In the place where she arrived (present-day Shimotsuki Village), she met and married a swordsman named Roronoa Pinzoro, and they had a son named Roronoa Arashi.

It was revealed that Zoro was the son of Arashi and Terra, the daughter of a bandit.

In other words, from Zoro's point of view, Ushiomaru is his great-uncle, and since his sister and brother are also descendants of Ryuma, it is also confirmed that Zoro is Ryuma's descendant.

Incidentally, Arashi died in battle against pirates and Terra died of illness, both of whom are already deceased, and the fact that Zoro has been separated from his parents for more than 20 years was also revealed.

The names of the blood relatives are related to the "zoro-me" (the number 1 on all three dice in the dice game "chinchirorin") and "arashi" (the same number on all three cards in the hanafuda (Japanese playing cards) game "oichibu").




Then we'll see what's going on in Future Island Egghead arc.


Although he rescued Jewelry Bonny, who was trapped in the warm melting ice in the stormy waters, by slashing her, the gang was split in two when Luffy and Chopper, who had captured her, were blown away by the wind and Jinbe went to their rescue.

Soon after, Dr. Vegapunk's satellite, Lilith, appeared and put them in a tight spot surrounded by many SeaBeast weapons, but since they continued to target lilith even under such circumstances, the situation was conveyed to the other satelite, Shaka, who negotiated with lilith to take the Sunny to Egghead.

After landing on the island, he and Brook took on the job of guarding the ship because he could not completely trust lilith and needed someone who could move to help his friends if they were captured on Egghead, the government island.

While sleeping on the ship, CP-0 Kaku, who had landed on the island to eliminate Vegapunk, attempted to attack the ship with his storm legs, which he caught with a single sword.

The battle with Kaku began, but was halted by the intervention of Stacey, who betrayed CP-0.

He also blocked the sword of S-Hawk, one of the Seraphim, who was aiming at lilith that had emerged from the laboratory, buying time for the Seraphim to cease their activities.

After a brief struggle, Brook and Stacey both headed for the laboratory.

However, when the main body of Vegapunk suddenly disappeared, he tried to go with them to look for it, but the crew members objected, saying that it would be necessary to look for the lost Zoro, and he was forced to stay there with Luffy to watch over Lucci and Kaku.

However, Seraphim's S-Hawk and S-Snake entered the area and intercepted them.

When Lucci and Kaku asked him to fight with them for a time, he made a blatant dislike of the idea, but reluctantly let them go because he thought it was impossible to continue fighting while protecting them. He then worked with Kaku to intercept the S-Hawk.




VS.Rob Lucci


The next day, the mastermind of the incident, York, was subdued, and a temporary truce was reached with CP-0.

However, Admiral Kizaru invaded the research layer, and Lucci took advantage of this to stab Vegapunk to death.

In order to stop him, they quickly took him out of the laboratory and engaged in battle.

After a prolonged battle, Sanji, who had grown tired of the situation, accused Zoro of being a "liability."

Zoro, in a fit of anger, evaded Lucci's attack and unleashed a Kokoba Madaragari, inflicting severe damage.

However, although dizzy, Lucci was still in a posture to intercept as he came to attack, but Jinbei, who had rushed to the scene, kept Lucci away, and Zoro left the scene while being carried by Jinbei.






He was carried by Jinbe for a while, but on the way, Jinbe saw NusJuro, one of the Gorosei, running toward the Sunny, and as he was approaching the ship, Jinbeh threw him off and they exchanged swords.

Zoro, upon seeing his sword, exclaims, "Kitetsu! Zoro exclaimed.




Predicting the Bounty


It is a fact that Zoro practically defeated Lucci in the Egghead arc. Therefore, the new bounty that we expect is as follows.



2,222 million berries!

That's double what it is now.




No, isn't that high?

Can it go up that much just by defeating Lucci?

Yes, I think so.

But I think this time it will be more expensive than his success.

The reason is the clash with NusJuro.




NusJuro's alert.


What is he alarmed by?

There's only one thing for it.

Being the owner of the demon removal.

Zoro owns the "3rd generation KiTetsu".

NusJuro has the "First Onitetsu".

When we clashed blades, both of us reacted to the other's Kitetsu.

NusJuro may have been surprised that there was a swordsman in the world other than himself who had complete control over Kitetsu.

And that is alarming to himself.

Therefore, I believe that Nasu Juro is likely to be very wary of Zoro.

Therefore, instead of an amount of 1.5 billion, I raised it significantly to the 2 billion range.

Do you understand?

Well, more to the point, the end of this work is near, and he also wanted to get closer to Mihawk's final goal of 3.59 billion.

Because their end is coming closer and closer every minute.

Zoro also needs to become stronger to surpass Mihawk, so let's hope for further growth.


Well, that's all for now!

Thanks for watching!